Student Portfolios » Export a Portfolio

Export a Portfolio

Portfolio export allows students to save their best work, whether it's to apply for a job or higher education, or take their digital creations with them when they leave the district.



Export a Portfolio

Both teachers and students can export a student portfolio by saving a zip file to their computer.

To export a student portfolio:

  • From within the student portfolio, click the EXPORT button.
In the Portfolio Export dialog box, select which grades you wish to export. For multiple grades, hold down the Ctrl key while you click.

Open a Saved Portfolio

All you need to view your saved portfolio is a web browser.

To open a saved portfolio:

  • Locate the portfolio .zip file.
  • Right click on the file and select Extract All from the menu.
  • Open the extracted folder.
  • Click the index.html file to view the portfolio.