Featured Stories
About Featured Stories
Featured Stories are a great way to add interesting stories about your school, district, or Class with easy buttons. You can add a few words in the content area, or a whole story with a “Read More” link to it, and include a great picture to make your Web Page look interesting. This section describes how to add and work with Featured Stories using the easy buttons. For more advanced information, see the topic Apps.
Add a New Featured Story with Image
Featured Stories are images and text that display together in an image slide show.
- Click the New Feature easy button or the + sign beside it.
- In the dialog window, click the Choose File button.
- Select an image to upload from your computer, SP 2013 Image library, or the internet. The picture should be in landscape orientation, rather than a portrait orientation.
- Click the OK button to upload the image and access the Featured Stories Edit Content dialog.
Once your image has been uploaded to the image folder, enter the following information:
Field Name | Description |
Title | Enter a title for your featured story. This will display over the image. |
Display On | Enter a date to beging to display the featured story. Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click the calendar icon to for a date picker. Leave this field blank to have your story display immediately after publishing. |
Expire By | Set an expiry date for your story. Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click the calendar icon to for a date picker. Leave this field blank to have your story display indefinitely. |
Caption | Enter a caption for the story in paragraph format. If your message is long, you may want to publish it on another page, with just a caption here and link to the story using ths Link field below. |
Link | Enter the address for the full story. This will make the title a hyperlink and place a Read more link below your caption. |
Open in New Window | Select this checkbox to have the link open in a new window. This allows people to be able to view your story without losing their place on your site. |
Sync To | Only available on the District site. District staff can select specific schools portal (or school types such as elementary) where the item should be synced to. After a few moments, the same item will be published on the selected school portal sites. |
Sync to Web | Check this box to copy the current item to the public website for the current portal site. After a few moments the same item will be published on your website. |
Click the OK button when you are done.
If 5 or less items are set to show in the App settings, navigation dots display at the bottom of the Featured Story. If more than 5 items are set to display, the dots do not show. For information on App settings, see the topic Edit or Delete an App from a Page.
Edit Items
To edit a featured story:
- Click the Edit Items easy button above the Featured Stories to display the list of all images in Featured Stories.
- Select the image you'd like to edit by clicking its name.
- Click the Edit Item button to be able to edit the image or article.
- Edit the fields as explained in Add a New Featured Story with Image above.
Delete a Featured Story
Before you delete an image or story, consider whether the picture might be useful at another time. If so, perhaps in Edit Item it would be better to change the Expiry By setting to a date earlier than today, so it will not show, but will remain in the list for future use.
To delete a featured story:
- Click the Edit Items easy button above the Featured Stories to display the list of all images in Featured Stories.
- Select the image you'd like to delete by clicking its name.
- Click the Delete Item button to delete the article.
- Click the OK button to confirm your changes.