Advanced Features » Co-Author Documents

Co-Author Documents

Collaborate with other staff, teachers or students in real time to edit documents together.

Co-authoring is supported in Excel, Word, PowerPoint and OneNote using:

  • Office 2013 for Windows (except Excel)
  • Office 2011 for Mac  (except Excel)
  • Office Online in a browser 


  • Create or open a Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote document and start editing.
  • When another author starts editing the same document a notification will appear.
  • The area of the document currently being edited by other authors is highlighted with their name. 
  • When you save your document other users will automatically see your changes updated and highlighted.


  • In Word only one user can edit a paragraph at a time.
  • Files must be saved using the Office 2010 or newer file format (.docx, xlsx, .pptx)
  • Up to 99 users can co-author documents. An unlimited number of users can edit OneNote notebooks. 


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