Create a Class or Group Site » Create a Class or Group Site

Create a Class or Group Site

Both Classes and Groups are created from the My Site page via the Create Class or Create Group button.


About Class and Group Sites

Though similar, Class, Group and Public sites have different purposes and offer different features. Visit the links below to learn about how to create and customise your sites:

About Class Sites

Class sites support classroom learning. Teachers create their Class sites, and then students request to join online. Only teachers can create class sites.


A Class site allows teachers to:

  • Post news and announcements and highlight featured stories and links via the Home page.
  • Display a course outline.
  • Distribute course handouts via an online folder.
  • Post assignments, receive homework from students, and mark assignments online.
  • Conduct group discussions via a discussion board.
  • Create a blog to share relevant topics, videos, or images.
  • Access and create Student Portfolios.

About Group Sites

Group sites are for any groups that would like to collaborate outside of class. Group leaders create their group sites and students/participants request to join online. Any staff member can create a group.


A Group site allows groups to:

  • Post news and announcements and highlight featured stories and links via the Home page
  • Share media files via a Media Gallery.
  • Conduct group discussions via a discussion board
  • Create a blog to share relevant topics, videos, or images.
  • Create a calendar of events.

Create a Class or Group Site

To create a class or group site:

  • Navigate to your My Site - Home page.
  • Click the Create Class button to create a class site. 
  • Click the Create Group button to create a group.
  • A pop-up displays asking you for the site title:
In the Enter your site title field, enter an appropriate name for the Group or Class. You can change your class title later if you wish.

Choosing a Title

Selecting a good title makes your site easy to find (for example, Grade 8 boys baseball, Grade 9 Chemistry - Section 2). Classes can be searched by grade or course name.

  • Click the CREATE button to go to the Setup page.

Setup Page

Here, you can customize your site's logo and colour scheme. If you leave the default colour scheme and logo you can still edit it later. For more information, see the topic Manage a Class or Group Site

  • On the Setup page, select one of the images provided or upload a logo for your site by browsing and uploading a picture.
  • Below the images is a colour palette. Click on a colour to select what colour you'd like your site's navigation to be. 
  • Once you have chosen your color scheme and uploaded an image, click the NEXT  button to save your changes and continue creating your site.

Features Page

The Features page lets you configure the title and features available on your site:
  • On the Start Page drop down, select the page site visitors should see first. The Feature checkboxes you select below determine what your choices will be on this drop-down, so you may want to select the Features first, then come back to determine your start page. 
  • Select from the available class or group site features. Features can be enabled or disabled at any time without losing your data.



Home Create a site home page with your choice of the following features:
Special Announcements Special announcements are a way to display temporary and urgent notices (Bus delays, animal warnings). They are displayed at the top of the home page. Site followers will see items under their My Announcements.
Featured Stories Featured stories are a great way to showcase initiatives or photos. Stories must contain a picture and you can add a title, link and summary text.
Featured Links Add a list of useful or important links to resources or other important information. Use it for things like Provincial Government  links, or important topics, such as bullying.
Featured Links with Image Add a list of useful or important links to resources or other important information with an image.
Announcements A list of news and announcements. Site followers will see items under their My Announcements.

Handouts & Materials (Class)

Share and edit course handouts or reading materials. Sync files for easy access on a Window or Mac computer.
Calendar Adds an event calendar to your home page. List events, milestones, due dates, or any dates you want to highlight. Users can subscribe to your calendar using their computer or mobile device.
Student List The Student List which allows teachers to access student resources such as blogs, OneDrive, or Portfolios. Teachers can update student profile photos and easily add new students. Students and teachers can use the Student List to access other student blogs.
Student Blogs Create and access blogs for each student in your class. Teachers can contribute to and edit content with students. Students can work together on group projects and comment on each others' public posts.

Assignments (Class)

Teachers can display a list of assignments ordered by due date. Assignments can be set to expire or go live on a specific date. Students can hand-in files for each assignment. Sync files for easy access to student hand-ins on a Window or Mac computer.
Shared Documents

Shared documents is a space to share and collaborate on documents. Files can only be edited by contributors or students. On class sites a folder is created for each student which only they can access. Users can edit documents simultaneously in the browser, Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Sync files for easy access on a Window or Mac computer.

Media Gallery A media gallery for pictures, videos, and audio recordings.
Blog A blog to share relevant topics, pictures, videos and links.
Discussion A discussion board where students and staff can discuss the class or relevant topics.


Access students' portfolios where they can collect assignments, showcase their best work and reflect on their learning. Learn more about student portfolios.
  • Once you select the desired features, click the NEXT button to save your work and go to the Access page and continue building your site.


Access Page

On the Access page, you can set the different permission levels for the site. Permission levels allow you to determine who can do what on your site.


Class sites have: ReadersStudents, and Teachers, while group sites, have ReadersContributors, and Owners.

  • Readers have read-only access, meaning they can only view your site. Readers can comment on blog posts. Note: If you choose Public (Anonymous), your site will be visible to everyone on the Internet. 
  • Students or Contributors can add content to the site, submit assignments, blogs, edit the wiki, or participate in discussions.
  • Teachers or Owners have full control of your site. They can add and remove content, enable features or format the site. This is useful for substitute teachers, or co-taught classes. You can't remove yourself but a co-owner or co-teacher you add can do that for you.


In this section, you can control who can view your site. You can add individual users or groups. There are three levels of Reader permission for Class sites and four levels of reader permission for Group sites:

  • Public Access - Gives permission to anyone who has the address for your site to access it and read the public areas

Public Class Sites

Enabling public access is useful for parents, e.g., readers can see announcements, events and assignments, but not student contributions. 

Once public access is enabled, any places where students can add information (or their names can be seen) is still private. On class sites, shared documents, wikis, discussions and blog comments are hidden from anonymous visitors. 

Portfolios, the student list, student blogs, discussions, assignment submissions are not open to public visitors. 

  • All Students - Allows all students to view the site. 
  • All Teachers - Allows all teachers to read announcements, events and assignments.
  • All Staff (Groups only) - Allows all staff to read announcements, events and assignments.

To add individual readers click the ADD button and search by name, username or email address.

Students & Classes (Class)

Students can participate in discussions, comment on the class blogs, and submit assignments. 

On class sites we recommend leaving the default access, All Students, this avoids the need to add students individually. Students can easily find and follow your class to start contributing. 

To add individual students click the ADD button and search by name, username or email address. 

Add Classes

If your school has enabled Scholantis SIS Data Sync you will see a list of classes from your Student Information System when adding students (Look for the graduation cap ).

Adding a class from your SIS synchornises your class site enrolment with your Student Information System. Every night students are automatically added or removed from your class site. New students are added as followers to your site so it appears on their My Classes list, and a blog or portfolio will be created (if enabled on your class).

Add all students in a class from the Add Student & Classes area:

  • Click the + ADD button beside the name of the class to add all the students in the class. 
  • View the individual students in a class by clicking the down arrow 

Contact your school's technology support team if any warnings are dispayed next to student's names.

If your school has enabled Scholantis SIS Data Sync you will also see any co-teachers class names when adding students or classes.

Teachers (Class)

You are automatically included as the creator of the site. Any other people you add will become co-owners of the site, with full editing ability. This is useful for substitute teachers, or co-taught classes. 

Enter the names of individual teachers or groups by clicking the ADD button and searching for the name, username or email address. 

Contributors (Group)

In this section, set who you would like to be able to contribute to your site. Contributors can add and edit content or participate in discussions and blogs.

Enter the names of individual users or groups by clicking the ADD button and searching for the name, username or email address. 

Owners (Groups)

You are automatically included as the creator of the site. Any other people you add will become co-owners of the site, with full editing ability.

Enter the names of individual users or groups by clicking the ADD button and searching for the name, username or email address. 



Once you have set permissions for your site, click the FINISH button to save and open your site.



Adding individual users or classes will automatically make them a follower of your site. The site will then be listed under their My Classes or My Groups. Adding a group of users will not make them a follower of your site.

Delete a Site

To delete a site:

  • From the Utility links of your class or group site, click SETTINGS to activate the Settings menu.
  • Select Setup from the Settings menu to go to the Setup page.
  • Click the DELETE SITE button to access the confirmation page:
  • Click the Delete button to delete your site.
  • In the confirmation pop-up, click the OK button to complete the deletion.