Edit or Delete an App from a Page » Edit or Delete an App from a Page

Edit or Delete an App from a Page


Edit Apps on a Page

To edit an app:

  • Click the EDIT button (in the Utility Links) to enter page editing mode.
    When you select an app an option (...) displays. 
  • Click the ellipsis (...) and select Edit App from the drop-down menu.
The Edit App menu provides access to the settings for the app on this page. Each app has different settings. Below is an example of the Twitter Edit App menu. See Twitter for more information.
  • When finished, click the Apply button.
  • Click the OK button.
  • In the Utility links, click Save.

  • Note: if you are using the Website, you may need to Check in and Publish your page. 

Move an App on the Page

Within Page Edit mode, the an app can be moved to any area or "zone" within that page.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, simply grab the app with your mouse and drag it to the zone you wish to add it to (below the Add an App link). However, if you use any other browser (Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.), you need to follow the directions below.

To move an app on a page:

  • Click the EDIT button (in the Utility Links) to enter page editing mode.
    When you select an app an option (...) displays. 
  • Click the ellipsis (...) and select Edit App from the drop-down menu.
  • In the Edit App menu, scroll down to the Layout section and click the + sign to expand it. 
  • From the Zone drop-down, choose which zone of the page you would like to move this app to (e.g., Column 1 Top, 2 Column Maion, etc.).
    The different zones are marked on the page itself. 
  • Under Zone Index, type a number to indicate where the app displays within the zone. The lowest number will be displayed first (e.g., 1).
  • When finished, click the Apply button.
  • Click the OK button.
  • In the Utility links, click Save.

Delete App from a Page

To delete an app from a page:

  • Click the EDIT button (in the Utility Links) to enter page editing mode.
    When you select an app an option (...) displays. 
  • Click the ellipsis (...) and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the OK button to confirm your deletion.
  • In the Utility links, click Save.