Other Class Content » Other Class Content

Other Class Content

Handouts and Material

This is a central place for the teacher to add all the resources for a class, reducing paper sent home with the students. 

Create or Upload Files

To upload or create files:

  • From the Handouts and Materials page, click the new document easy button. The Create a new file menu displays.
  • You can create a new file by selecting a file type (e.g., Word document) and giving it a name. You will then be directed to an editor to create the file.
  • To upload a file, click UPLOAD EXISTING FILE.
  • In the Add a Document - <Course Name> dialog box, click the Choose File button to open a folder on your local computer.
  • Find the file you wish to upload and click the Open button to return to the <Course Name> dialog box.
  • Click the OK button to upload the file.
  • Alternatively, you may drag any file you wish to upload directly from a folder on your local computer to the Handouts and Materials page.

News and Announcements

News and Announcements pages are the same for both Class and Group sites. For information on how to add content to these pages, see News and Announcements under Editing & Easy Buttons.

Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards allow you to collaborate and interact with students and other staff members. For more information, see Discussions under Editing & Easy Buttons.

Course Outline 

This feature is now deprecated but its documentation is being kept for historical purposes.


The Course Outline page, gives you a convenient place to add a course syllabus, rubric, or curriculum items. You can manually enter them here or copy and paste text into the text box available.

Add a New Course Outline

To add a new item to the course outline:

  • From the Course Outline page, click the new item easy button. A Course Outline - New Item - <Course Name> dialog box displays.
  • Enter a name for the item in the Title field.
  • Type or copy and paste the course outline or syllabus into the Body text box.
  • You can also add attchments using the Attach File button, and run a spell check by clicking the Spelling button.
  • Click the Save button to save your work.

Edit a Course Outline

To edit a course outline:

  • From the Course Outline page, click the edit this list easy button. A list of course outlines displays
  • Click the elipses (...) next to the course outline to edit to access the Course Outline - New Item - <Course Name> dialog box.
  • Perform your edits as required.
  • Click the Save button to save your work.
  • Click Stop editing this list to exit the list.