Apps - Website User Guide » Facebook


The Facebook app displays a list of Facebook posts from a publicly viewable Facebook page (not personal feed) or group. 


Add the Facebook App

Like all apps, you can add or remove the Facebook app by editing the page, selecting Add an App, and finding Facebook under the Scholantis category. See Add an App to a Page to learn more about adding apps.

Set the Facebook ID

Once you've added the Facebook app to a page, you'll need to set the Facebook ID. This is usually the name that displays after, Keep in mind that this must be a Facebook page, not an account. To add a public group, it's easiest to find the numeric Facebook ID for the group. To find this, see Facebook ID. Copy and paste that number into the Name field. 

To set the Facebook ID:

  • Enter the page name in the Name(ID) field. This is usually the name that displays after, Keep in mind that this must be a Facebook page, not an account. To add a public group, it's easiest to find the numeric Facebook ID for the group. To find this, see Facebook ID. Copy and paste that number into the Name field. 
  • Click the APPLY button.
  • Save the page, using the Save button in the Utility Links on the top right side of the page.

Edit the Facebook App

You configure the Facebook feed from the tool pane. 

To edit the Facebook app:

  • Edit the page and select Edit App from the app menu. See Edit or Delete an App from a Page to learn more about editing apps.
  • The Facebook app tool pane displays the settings common to all apps, and those specific to the Facebook app.
  • In the Facebook Settings, edit the page name in the Name field. This is usually the name that displays after, Keep in mind that this must be a Facebook page, not an account. To add a public group, it's easiest to find the numeric Facebook ID for the group. To find this, see Facebook ID. Copy and paste that number into the Name field. 
  • In the Count field, enter the number of Facebook posts that you would like displayed on your page.
  • If you would like comments displayed, select the Show comments checkbox. Then enter the maximum number of comments to display in the CommentsCount field.
  • By default, your posts will display as a list:
  • To display the slider version (shown at the top of this page), select the Turn on slider checkbox and configure the slide settings as show in Configure the Slideshow Settings, below.
  • Click the Apply button.
  • Save the page, using the Save button in the Utility Links on the top right side of the page.

Configure the Slideshow Settings

Advanced users can modify slide settings to customize the slideshow animation and playback settings. To configure the slide settings:

  • Open the slide settings:
  • Configure the settings as follows:
Setting Description
Animation Choose from the animation type, "fade" or "slide". Posts will either fade in or slide across the screen.
Easing Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions. The default is "swing".
Direction Controls the animation direction, enter "horizontal" or "vertical".
Auto Slide Select this checkbox to set up a slideshow for the slider to animate automatically..
Animation Loop Select this checkbox to give the slider a seamless infinite loop.
Min Items Minimum number of items that should be visible. (0 means no limit)
Max Items Maximum number of items that should be visible. (0 means no limit)
Slideshow Speed Sets the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds. Default is 7000.
Animation Speed Sets the speed of animations, in milliseconds. Default is 600.
  • Once you have configured these settings, click the Apply button.
  • Click the Save Utility Link to save and publish the page.