Getting Started - Website User Guide » Website Navigation

Website Navigation

Once you've logged into your Website, you will be directed to your default page. Depending on the type of site you have, it will be a District, School, or Department site page. You may also be directed to the My Site page upon login, if your portal account was configured this way.


At the top of each page or site, a Ribbon Bar provides links to site editing options via Ribbon Tabs and Utility Links. A Site Navigation bar facilitates navigation, and Site Tabs allow you to easily access each site. These navigation features are outlined in the image and table below.  Note: Depending on your account access level, not all of the Utility Links or easy buttons will be visible to you.


Click the image below to view it full size.

Navigation Item Definition
Ribbon Bar

The Ribbon Bar is the grey bar that displays across the top of the screen. It contains Ribbon Tabs on the left and Utility Links on the right. Ribbon Tabs and some of the Utility Links only display on pages you can edit.

Ribbon Tabs

Ribbon Tabs display on the left side of the Ribbon Bar on pages that you have editing or administrative rights for. For more information on how to use this ribbon, see Ribbon Bar.

Utility Links The Utility Links on the right side of the Ribbon Bar display more advanced features, such as the ability to edit and collaborate. While some Utility Links display on all pages, the Edit link and Settings Cog only display for pages you have you own or can edit. For more information see Utility Links. Note: These are different from the Utility Links on the top left of the screen. Thse are viewable by everyone.
Site Navigation Bar

The Site Navigation bar displays across the top of each site and displays content and pages particular to the site you are on: Schools, Programs and Services, Board, Employment, About Us, Contact Us, etc.

Tip: The pages accessed through the Site Navigation bar correspond with Sharepoint 2013's Global Navigation. To edit this navigation bar, see Edit Site Navigation.

Easy Buttons

Easy Buttons display on the Website if you have editing access for those pages. The Edit Content Easy Button displays on all the other pages on the sites to make them easy to fill with content. Each Easy Button works the same way, wherever it is located. For more information, see the topic Editing & Easy Buttons.