Advanced Features » Ribbon Bar

Ribbon Bar

The Ribbon Bar is at the very top of the site, above the logo and District name. It introduces those Sharepoint functions that are commonly used by School and District Admin users. However, some of the features are available to teachers on the Class or Group Sites they own.


The Ribbon Tabs on the left side of the Ribbon Bar on the top of the screen only display when you are on a page you have administrative rights for. For example, if you are a teacher, it will display within a Class or Group site that you manage.

There are three main Ribbon Tabs: Browse, Page, and Publish.


Browse Tab 

Clicking the BROWSE tab hides the ribbon and shows the site navigation and closes the ribbon.

Page Tab

Clicking the PAGE tab opens the Page Editing Ribbon with many editing options.

Below is an introduction to some of the useful features of the Page Ribbon, divided by section:

Section Description

The Edit section includes:

  • Edit: enables page edit mode in order to modify your page content and layout.
  • New: allows you to create a new page. Note: Recommended for advanced Sharepoint users only.
  • Check In / Check Out: allows you to check the page out in Sharepoint for editing. Once you have checked out the page, this button changes to Check In. For more information, see Check In / Check Out, below.

The Manage section includes:

  • Edit Properties: allows you to view and edit Page Properties, metadata, and optimize SEO settings. Recommended for advanced Sharepoint users only.
  • Page URLs: allows advanced Sharepoint users to configure the URLs that point to this page. Note: This feature is often disabled.
  • Page History: displays the page's editing history, and provides access to editing the page. You can also access the Version History. For more information, see Page History, below.
  • Page Permissions: allows Advanced Sharepoint users to change the page permissions.
  • Delete Page: This button has been disabled, so that pages aren't accidentally deleted. Instead, to remove a page, use the Manage Site editing wizard.
Share & Track

The Share & Track section includes:

  • Email a Link: allows you to email a link to the page.
  • Alert Me: allows you to set up an alert so that you are emailed when this page is edited.
Page Actions

This section includes:

  • Preview: displays the page in a pop-up window.
  • Page Layout: choose a different layout for your page. Layouts have different columns, web part zones and navigation. Click Edit to enter edit mode and enable this option.
  • Make Homepage: allows advanced Sharepoint users to make the current page the home page.
  • Incoming Links: displays a list of pages currently linking to this page.
  • Draft Check: checks for unpublished items on the current page.
Page Library

The Page Library contains the following:

  • Library Settings: a page where pages within the site are stored, and information about each page is available.
  • Library Permissions: a page where permissions of Child and Parent Inheritance of permissions can be managed.
  • View All Pages: takes you to a major editing area for changing and deleting pages.
Tags & Notes Tags help you classify and remember links. Notes are public comments. Together, Tags and Notes allow you to post across your newsfeed and work across different sites.

The Edit Button

Clicking the small drop down arrow under the Edit button gives you basic options on saving and editing your page:

Check In / Check Out

Sharepoint 2013 is a library of documents and web parts. Thinking of it as a library makes it easy to understand what happens as you Check Out and Check In items. When you check out a page, only you have access to the editing on the page. When you are finished with the page, Check it back in to the library so others can see  the changes and edit the page. While you have it checked out, others will see the version of the page from before you started editing. The Scholantis Easy Buttons make the process easy - as part of that, the changes you make are immediately published and visible to everyone. Here you have the option to save and check in but not publish until you are ready.

Discard Check Out

This is an option you should consider carefully before using. Discarding a checkout means that you are discarding every edit you have made since you checked out the page. It is useful if there is a major flaw with the page that it is easier to get rid of completely.

Override Check Out

Override checkout is a necessary function so that one can Discard someone else's checkout. They will lose everything they have been working on. This should not be done without checking with that Editor, if possible. It might be necessary if that Editor has gone on vacation or leave without checking the page back in.

A yellow bar across the page lets you know who has the page checked out

Page History

This provides a history of the page, and provides access to editing the page.

Version History

Clicking here provides version history and clicking the elipsis beside a version can restore a version to become the latest version - again a way to get rid of errors in editing.

The Publish Tab

This tab allows you to access the Publish/Unpublish button so you can publish or unpublish a page.

More information on all the features of the Editing Ribbon are available by researching Sharepoint 2013 on the web.