Contact Page
The Contact Us page is a special page layout which incorporates contact information, a map and a contact form.
Automated spambots crawl websites collecting email addresses and spamming forms. To prevent this from happening you may choose to not display your email address within the contact information and use only the comment form instead. The comment form includes a Captcha which prevents spam from being submitted. What is a Captcha? The Captcha can be disabled by editing the Form Viewer web part used for the Contact Form.
Contact Information
The contact information is saved in the Site Information list which stores information displayed around the website (such as the site name and links).
To edit the Site Information list move your cursor to the footer of your site and click on the Edit Site Info link.
The contact page map is controlled using the Site Information values for Longitude, Latitude and MapZoom. The MapZoom level is set to 15 by default. Reducing the number below 15 will reduce the zoom level, and increasing the number above 15 will increase the zoom level. Changes made to this field will take a few minutes to update the contact page map.
If you would like to change the zoom level (and the MapZoom item does not already exist) create a New Item in the Site Information list with the Content ID set to MapZoom.
Contact Form
The Contact Us form allows visitors to submit messages to your site. The form uses the Form Viewer web part which stores information in a list called Contact Form stored in each site.
View Submitted Messages
On your site home page click on the Settings Cog > Site contents.
Select the list called Contact Form to view all submitted messages.
To respond to a message click on the email link and your email program will open or copy the address into your mail program.
Create an Alert for New Messages
To receive an email when messages are submitted you can also create an alert on the contact form list.
On the Contact Us page select Edit from the ribbon (top right).
Inside the Contact Form web part select Create a new alert for this list, choose your preferred options and click Ok.