Advanced Features » Modifying Site Information

Modifying Site Information

Your website contains information in the header and footer that is shared across all pages.  This information is editable from a roll over link that appears in the footer to the right of the Site Title, when the editor is logged in.

This link leads to the Site Information list where many of the shared information fields for the site are managed.

Some examples of what you can change here are:

  • Header Title
  • Header Tag line
  • Location Address
  • Social Media and Utility Links


To edit a field in the Site Information list, select the box to the left of the item, then select the Edit Item button that will become active in the Ribbon above.

In the pop up window the results, edit the Content Value, then click Save to save the changes.

Note: The values are cached on the server, so it can take up to 10 minutes for your changes to appear on the site.

Note: Commonly the field for Address 1 requires data first, if Address 2 is to be populated